SafariZimbabwe, how to travel to Africa accompanied

    SafariZimbabwe, the idea of ​​an Italian boy who arrived in Africa from Trentino via Alaska, that's who is behind the project but above all how you can visit Zimbabwe accompanied.

    Love and passion for Nature brought me here. I lived in Zimbabwe, with my wife, in 2011 and part of 2012, following various humanitarian projects in the north east of the country. This gave me the opportunity to travel a lot, discovering and getting to know every corner of this wonderful country, both naturalistic and humanitarian. After a few years, I decided to go back, to be able to accompany my guests far and wide, to discover unique and uncontaminated places. By letting them discover the magic of this country, the wonderful population and the beauty of the animals which, fortunately, are still many here.

    SafariZimbabwe, how to travel to Africa accompanied

    I strongly believe in collaboration and in sharing between people, and this is my strong point during the tours, living the journey. By putting the local economy, its facilities and services first. I believe that the real aid to the development of a people, less fortunate economically than our reality, is given by internal and local growth. Tourism, made with conscious criteria with targeted choices, is the cleanest and most genuine weapon to "help" these countries.

    It is therefore born SafariZimbabwe, first of all a way to let know a country that until twenty years ago was one of the pearls of Africa and that can still have its say in tourism. One of the 7 wonders of the world and 5 UNESCO heritage sites are in this country. Not just animals, but also archeology, history e culture. Zimbabwe has, on its side, a splendid geography: mountains up to 2500 meters, plateaus of 1400 meters on average, rivers such as the Zambezi and its tributaries, Lake Kariba which with its size creates a truly evocative aquatic ecosystem, the both wooded and desert savannah on the border with Botswana and finally the hills where mystery, magic and spirituality are hidden: scattered throughout the country, they are certainly a fixed point of Zimbabwean panorama.

    SafariZimbabwe, how to travel to Africa accompanied

    I admit that if a person wanted to visit Zimbabwe in its entirety, perhaps two months would not have enough. Its surface, bigger than Germany, makes things not so simple, but more suggestive thanks to its geography. But when I found myself thinking about what trip I could take my guests on, it was really complicated. The first draft covered 60% of the parks and the journey lasted 19 days… but of course the price was out of business. So I started thinking: why would anyone come to Zimbabwe? And what would you not want to lose for the world? Certainly the Victoria Falls, a must for anyone visiting this country and, even if you have already seen them, a second time is just a pleasure. Also because every month of the year offers different scenarios and panoramas. The water flow changes significantly each month, and so does the colors and vegetation, having only one rainy season, but it is an area rich in water for most of the year: flowers, plants, trees, shrubs… a perfect mix for a magical ecosystem, which is constantly changing. Not to mention the 108 meters high and 90 meters average for a water front of 1,7 km that plunges into the canyon as if it ended in the center of the earth.

    SafariZimbabwe, how to travel to Africa accompanied

    Having fixed the starting point (or arrival point), now for logic I thought of concentrating the journey by inserting all the elements to create it at 360 °. That is, by creating a travel for everyone, therefore with simple stages without too many hours of driving, with stages suitable for the elderly to children without extreme activities, and above all thought of those who in Africa do not go there every day and therefore I wanted to insert "a little bit of everything", from landscapes to animals, from history to culture. So it comes into play Hwange, the largest national park in the country, rich in water in the subsoil but very poor on the surface, and forms pools where animals gather in groups. A sight to be able to meet prey and predators around a puddle, or see many species living together all linked by the same denominator: water. And then there is Matopos, a park for connoisseurs, a gem of Zimbabwe. If Rhodes called it: the view of the world, perhaps there is a reason. The views between these hills, the sunsets and the rocks hovering (Kopje) above a peak shaped by the weather over the years, certainly give a unique touch to the trip.

    SafariZimbabwe, how to travel to Africa accompanied

    A relaxing climate, where time seems to stop for us, so that these hills create a soft line on the horizon. But then here, it's a sacred place for the local population who for years has lived in these hills. And so rock paintings, and wonderful caves will make us enter the Park, with that emphasis of spirituality and magic that can be perceived, understanding the culture of these people. Let's not forget that i rhinos, and is one of the most densely populated parks from leopards.
    So connected to the west of the country, and trying to stay on a "route" not very touristy, passing through secondary roads avoiding the great arteries trafficked by trucks and industrialization, I considered Great Zimbabwe a must. The history of the country, everything starts from here, everything started from here almost a thousand years ago. A real "medieval city" still standing with its walls and its dry-built tower. A huge archaeological site, all to be discovered. But I don't anticipate anything, I'll wait for you in Zimbabwe to find out together.

    SafariZimbabwe, how to travel to Africa accompanied

    Then Harare, the capital. I must admit that when you enter, only the few clouds and a splendid sun, it confuses our ideas and we mistake it for London. The British colonial hand and its influence can be felt in every inch. A structurally perfect city, urban planning and ideal location for a capital. Here, tasting local foods, and finding art among the colorful markets is simple and a must after a 360 ° journey, to be able to leave my guest with an indelible memory of this wonderful African country.

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