Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague useful tips and information

Prague, is a city rich in history, monuments, museums and parks where you can relax.

1 ° day

We wake up early.

The weather is not the best and it seems like it wants to rain, for a change.

Breakfast is served directly in your room, just put your nose out of the room and tell the staff that you want breakfast and just enough time to prepare the tray and breakfast is served.

There is tea, yogurt, la jam, honey, butter and depending on the days also pate or cheese or nutella and bread or bread type buns.

Once the registration formalities have been completed and the account paid in crowns with a credit card, we organize ourselves for our first day in Prague.

Prague what to see and places to visit

I had wanted to go for years and finally here I am.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

We go out that it is starting to rain the sky does not bode well so we decide to start our visit from Prague castle, where, if it rains, we can always visit the interiors.

Prague discos and night clubs

There is no one on the streets, actually it is not yet nine o'clock.

We cross the famous Old Town Places with its astronomic watch, practically deserted and we continue towards the Carlo bridge (Karluv Most) also deserted.

We take some pictures and enjoy the solitude of this place unaware of the fact that in a few hours it would have been more crowded than a subway station during rush hour.

We walk the streets of old City, where the shopkeepers are opening their shop to finally arrive on the square in front of the castle.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

The castle was founded in the XNUMXth century by the prince Borivoj.

It enjoys a beautiful position, dominating the Moldova.

Over the course of time it was destroyed by fire, rebuilt and renovated several times.

Currently (since 1918) it is the seat of the President of the Republic.

The gates have just opened and several groups, including many school groups, crowd the entrance waiting to enter.

Someone takes the usual photos, a little ridiculous, with the sentries in charge of guarding the gates: straight, motionless, impassive.

Prague museums and monuments

We pass the first courtyard to pass into the second courtyard (these names are original) to arrive in front of the majestic one Vitus Cathedral.

The groups and people crowded at the entrance and since it is drizzling we get in too.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Depending on what and how much you want to visit, in the castle, there are different types of tickets and prices.

You can decide to visit only the cathedral, only the museum, the golden alley or you can take a combined ticket that allows you to visit all the sites (350 crowns).

We choose the latter.

Since we are already inside (the ticket office is at the entrance to the cathedral) we begin, like everyone else, our visit from Vitus cathedral.

It can be said to be the most impressive monument in the castle as well.

Inside it is buried Saint Wenceslas and i are also preserved Crown Jewels.

Impressive the choir and also the wooden panel Escape of Frederick of the Palatinate.

Prague where to eat well on a budget

In short, it deserves a nice one visit accurate even if it is practically impossible to move without being pushed or trampled by a myriad of tourists.

Maybe it's raining outside but they all had the same idea.

Released from the cathedral let's go to admire the famous golden door.

After that we move into the Royal Palace.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

In the XNUMXth century the palace became the seat of the princes of Bohemia.

You can admire the hall of the Diet (contrary to what the name might suggest, this is not a room where you eat little but the hall of the Bohemian parliament).

Very beautiful and well preserved are the various ceramic stoves placed in the different rooms and still working.

One of these is contained in the famous room from which the defenestration took place.

A peek from the window from which, on May 23, 1618, the nobles protesting against the accession to the throne of Ferdinand of Habsburg they threw the then imperial governors out of the window and seeing that there was also the secretary of the latter.

They actually made a nice jump, about 15 meters.

It is said that the three guys who jumped out of the window were saved because they fell on a pile of manure.

I Catholics they said that this providential mattress was due to divine intervention.

As a matter of fact, the history books say that this was the event that started the Thirty Years' War and how obvious the term defenestration was coined on this occasion.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

A quick visit to the Basilica of San Giorgio (it was included in the price) which is said to be the best preserved Romanesque church in Prague, which apart from the red facade, a bit too flashy, has nothing else to report, at least in my opinion.

Finally we reach the vicolo d'Oro, of which I had heard so much.

It is a narrow narrow street flanked by a series of small huts, in every sense.

Low low with small doors and windows.

Currently they are occupied by souvenir shops and one of these huts is said to have been there Casa di Kafta.

Personally I was expecting something different they are nice but nothing more.

Sitting on a bench in the sun in the park we eat our sandwiches that we got from the supermarket.

In the afternoon we return to the old City.

We cross the Carlo bridge which is teeming with tourists, and street artists, from painters, draftsmen to musicians.

Il Carlo bridge it was until 1741 the only bridge over the Vltava, but I doubt it was as busy as it is now.

At the two extremes it has two towers and on both sides is a succession of statues.

Not far from our pension, on the other side of the Moldova, there is another city park (Letna).

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

So we decide to take a few more steps and reach this park, the evening is coming and time seems to have recovered.

From ponte Stefanikuv you can enjoy a beautiful view of the castle and the citadel.
This morning the girl from the pension told us about this bridge and you can't blame her that the view is very beautiful.

The park is located exactly on the bank of the Vltava di fronte al Jewish quarter.

After crossing the bridge we take a path, asphalted, which leads to the park in question.

Seen from the road it looked small, but instead it extends a lot on this promontory.

We walk for a while and then we look for a bench to enjoy the view on Prague and the tranquility of this place.

There are not many tourists.

In fact, it has nothing special except being a park.

Where to eat and what to eat in Prague

As soon as the sun goes down the cold makes itself felt so we return to our guesthouse and get ready for dinner.

We choose a place not far away, recommended by the guide.

It's kind of in style country, with wooden tables and chairs.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

We eat the pizza we ordered which is not bad, just a little spiced, the dessert and when we pay the bill the appetizer they offered us is not marked.

After dinner we allow ourselves two steps up to ponte Stefanikuv from where you can see the illuminated city.

Price: Pizzeria "La Ventola" – Soukenicka 7 – Prague 1- Cost 400 crowns

2 ° day

Today promises good weather, it seems to us the ideal day to delight in the view of city from above.

In order not to take the usual route and see the usual roads, we choose an alternative route to get to the observatory tower.

Let's go through Wenceslas square (Vàclarskè Nàmésti) flanked by historic buildings and hotels where the national museum stands at the tip of the square.

On the square there is the monument to the victims of communism and also to Jon Palach, an anti-communist martyr who in 1969 committed suicide by setting himself on fire to protest against communism.

However, this square was the scene of other events related to struggle against communism, in 1989 there was a protest march against the brutality of the police and the regime which resulted in what was called the velvet revolution and which then overthrew the then communist regime.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Arrived in front of the observatory tower, we buy tickets (100 crowns) to get on this little one Eiffel Tower and we move towards the staircase.

The system of ascent and descent is made in such a way that you go up on one side and go down on the other and the two stairs, of course, never meet.

We immediately head to the top floor, from which you can really enjoy a beautiful view over the whole city.

City that stands on various hills.

And from Letnà park that we spotted a monument with a guy riding a horse on a hill.

We study the direction well because if there is more time we can take a little escape.

Not so much for the monument, which we have no idea what it is, but for the knoll which shouldn't have a good view.

In the afternoon we walk along the park, we pass through the small neighborhood, we pass in front of the castle, where a couple of musicians (or maybe there were three?) gives the already particular atmosphere of this city a little more that makes it special and very suggestive.

It must be said that the artists are really good, they pass from popular or traditional music to classical music (such as the Rusticana cavalry) with equal skill.

In any case, the streets of the small neighborhood are crowded with street musicians.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Tonight we order a soup and a salad.

Let's skip the dessert because between the soup and the mixed super salad there was just no room for dessert.

After dinner we go for a walk around the city.

Despite the very bitter cold, the streets are very crowded.

Price: Pizzeria "La Ventola" – Soukenicka 7 – Prague 1- Cost 450 crowns

3rd and last day

And the day of departure has also arrived, ours weekend a Praga is about to end.

Calmly we try to fit all our stuff, including the latest purchases, in the trolley.

Leaving our hotel, we still take a little trip to the piazza Staromestska, to take a last look at the clock and to enjoy the 10 o'clock show.

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

I also take this opportunity to take two postcards to take home.

After that we head to the metro station.

One last look at this beautiful city and the same steep staircase that a few days ago took us to the heart of Prague now it brings us back.

We will take the subway to the terminus and from here the bus 100 which will leave us directly at the airport.

And so this holiday is also over, there will be photos to develop, to label and the story to write.

So still for some time our 3 days a Prague they will remain alive and present and then Prague too will be a sweet memory.

Photo gallery Prague

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

Prague weekend guide for your holidays

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