Low cost internet rates with Confort Way dedicated to travelers who for work or leisure have to connect to the internet even abroad, in the European Union, but not only.
Finally a really interesting thing, which I can't wait to talk to you about because I think it is useful for people like me who travel often or travel with friends and want to do it at the least possible cost. Comfort way it is a useful device if you are traveling with several friends, yes, but also if you are traveling alone or as a couple and have different devices available. Basically this device allows you to connect to the internet even abroad with the sole use of Comfort Way which connects and activates up to 5 devices online. But let's start and go a little in order.
How many times going abroad have you said to yourself “I must remember disable data, otherwise I spend a lot of money ", or" I should buy a ticket when I arrive in the Netherlands so I can always connect, but how much does it cost? " or again "Who knows if there will be internet in the hotel". Here, with Comfort Way you will not do these speeches anymore! One of the things you often think about when going abroad is just how to get connected without breaking the bank.
Someone wants to connect to the internet, for work, others because they want to put on Facebook some selfies, still others because without twitter and wahtsapp they cannot stay. In all cases, whether you are traveling alone or in company, with Comfort Way there are no problems. Yes, because this small device, which fits comfortably in trouser pockets or bags, can connect up to 5 people simultaneously.
Its usefulness is to let you connect not only in the hotel, everyone would be able to do so, and not even in any bar or subway, Comfort Way manages to make everyone connect while walking, in the car, chatting over a hamburger or in a museum. There are no time or space limits with Comfort Way, and that's its positive side. But now we come to the most important question: how much does this game cost?
Comfort Way has a cost of 59€, you can see it on the site which, I know, is a bit confusing, but the page where you have to go to solve some of your doubts is the Comfort Way FAQ page.
You can navigate for yourself € 0,07 per Mb throughout the European Union with no contract, no daily or monthly costs. If you need to buy additional traffic you can do it at any time with a credit card or even better Paypal. You can also use Comfort Way for international calls at € 0,1 per minute and send sms for € 0,05. By ordering Comfort Way through the website it is possible to have it at home with free delivery for European countries within 4 working days.
Latest recommendations before use. Comfort Way must be put on charge for about 12 hours before use. The package that will arrive at home will have, in addition to the Comfort Way obviously and the plug to recharge it, also a charger for the car, so that you can use it and recharge it even in travel by car. Finally, on the my.start page you can always know your balance and how much you have surfed in Mb and always have the situation under control.
I will use it on my next trip to Germany, between Munich and Stuttgart, so since I am in Europe I will spend very little and I will be able to keep you updated on my travel moves, to recommend low cost places to stay during the Christmas Markets and not! :)
In a minute of video Comfort Way explains everything to you like this;)