THEHoxton Hotel every 5/6 months it makes available a hundred or so at its luxury 4-star hotel rooms at £ 1. All true in fact Susanna was there and said, his words, that “the rooms are large, spacious and the hotel is all a luxury”.
La breakfast at the Hotel Hoxton it is included and for the price of 1 £ per night, what more can you ask for? Words of Susanna on breakfast: "Included in the price there is a breakfast consisting of banana yogurt and fruit juice, all in a paper bag that you leave empty in the evening outside the door ... and find yourself full in the morning".
THEit it usually takes place from 12 and to book it is necessary to be very fast as the rooms generally disappear in a few minutes. The Hoxton Hotel is a 4 star considered by all tourism portals as one of London's best hotels, and in a city where the most beautiful hotel is likely to be a dive, it's a real fortune.