A Edinburgh there are many ways to have fun, relax or simply escape for a while from everyday life. In Scotland there are many castles that, but also the mountains and lakes to see and experience.
Here was set and shot the famous film with Mel Gibson, Braveheart, and many are the fans who book a flight or a trip just to relive the emotions of the film.
Le ghost stories that populate the great castles of Scotland for the inhabitants of the place are not only legends but real traditions with which they deal every day and often their life revolves around what many define superstitions.
Among the most famous castles we must mention the Glamis Castle, the castle with the most ghosts ever. In fact, it collects a dozen ghosts, one secret room, doors and windows that creak and stains of indelible blood. If you are brave try to look for the famous secret room, it has never been discovered by anyone and even haunted the famous writer Walter Scott.
Not only castles in beautiful Edinburgh to look for ghosts, it is enough to walk through hers narrow streets under the drizzle or the warm sun to find traces of the famous presences in every corner of the city.
Many le organized trips for tourists from companies such as Mercat Walking Tours or Robin Ghost Tours, but with a good guide full of legends, you can guide yourself or question some locals, which will probably fascinate you more. A clue, in the West Bow of Grassimarket make a visit to the house of Thomas Weir, burnt alive because accused of witchcraft in 1670. Here the inhabitants say they have heard his disturbing laughter or plaintive cries for over 150 years.