Booking a hotel online: how to avoid the risks

    In the era of excessive use of the internet, everyone at least once in their life has booked a hotel online, or seen done if nothing else. Booking a hotel online is the best way to hold a room and freeze the price. In fact, thanks to the now famous brokerage sites, rooms are often much cheaper than if you pay directly on the spot.

    I advantages of this way of booking rooms has been in great vogue for years and hoteliers have begun to understand how to benefit from bookings via brokerage sites which are safer for the user even if they involve a higher expense for the facility manager.

    But how does the booker know they are safe? There are several ways to tell if your payment is secure and successful and there are just as many ways to figure out if it is better to prefer a phone call before taking out your credit card for example. With more popular sites like (to give a couple of examples) Booking, Venere, Expedia transactions are 100% secure also because the payment goes through these portals before reaching the final interlocutor. Finally, in this case a percentage payment is required, for example the 15% or 30% of the final price, which will then be paid directly on site.

    When instead you can run into unnecessary risks? When out of these modes of transaction they ask us to book especially with a credit card even if virtual. With this I am not saying at all that the transaction methods of hotel chains or individual hotels, but that in this case it is easier for those who "work in this field" sneak into communication and get hold of sensitive data.

    One piece of advice I can give, given that I book and stop many hotels, is to book with paypal which also allows through a PayPal account to obtain a complete procedure from the stop of the room to the invoice.

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