Mantua, what to see in one day

    What to see in Mantua in just one day on foot or by bicycle, admiring the art of the city and tasting the typical dishes between one break and another.

    Mantova it is a small city. A small jewel resting on the banks of what the Mantuan people call the three lakes. In reality it is the Mincio river that, crossing it, forms three Upper, Lower and Di Mezzo basins, and this offers us a wonderful possibility: from the pier of the Lungolago Gonzaga overlooking the Lower Lake, embark on one of the motor ships that can offer you different itineraries.

    Mantua, what to see in one day

    A nature trail in the Mincio Park immersed in lotus flowers. Or towards the river Po up to San Benedetto through the Leonardo locks, and going down you will have the opportunity to visit the beautiful Polirone Abbey.

    Mantua, what to see in one day

    On your return, stop and stroll along the lakefront, a meeting place for runners, old fishermen and for a aperitif in a kiosk Castle view. At this point you cannot fail to visit it. The Castle of San Giorgio, directly connected to the Doge's Palace is one of the largest palaces in Europe, even if few know it, and its very famous Room of the Spouses, finally reopened after the damage of the earthquake, is worth the price of the ticket. Visit its secret gardens and linger in front of its windows, they will offer you wonderful views over the whole city.

    Mantua, what to see in one day

    Upon exiting you will already be in Piazza Sordello, cross the arch that will connect you directly to the picturesque Piazza delle Erbe, with its arcades and typical restaurants between the baptistery and the beautiful basilica of Sant'Andrea just completely restored. Work by Leon Battista Alberti known for hosting reliquaries in its crypt with the earth soaked in the blood of Christ.

    Mantua, what to see in one day

    The Mantuan cuisine is quite demanding (don't miss the Mantuan risotto with the prop) and for the after lunch I give you the choice between two alternatives let's say .. "digestive": a first, more classic, walk up to Palazzo Te, residence outside the city of the Gonzaga family, used by the family to enjoy parties and amusements in its splendid gardens, what was the most famous work of the architect Giulio Romano.

    Mantua, what to see in one day

    A second sportier option: rent a bike and take the cycle path that runs through the three lake basins of the city and can reach the shores of Lake Garda, it all depends on your "resistance"!

    Mantua, what to see in one day
    You can take it in the direction of Peschiera passing through the wheat fields and arriving at Bosco Fontana in the locality of Marmirolo, hunting reserve of the Dukes, or in the direction of Grazie, on Lake Superior and arrive directly at the note Church of the Graces, very special with its papier-mâché statues and full of ex-votos, in whose churchyard, during the August XNUMXth, the most famous Madonnari of Europe competition is held.

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