Mini guide to the best pizzas by the slice in Milan

    The kitchen, and especially the pizza, is a serious topic for us Italians. For us Italians it is not enough to eat a pizza, we live in the constant search for the best pizza of all.

    A Milan, many pizzerias have specialized in a particular type: the pizza by the slice. I am aware of the fact that calling a triangular, thick and crunchy slice 'pizza' could arouse the perplexity of many Neapolitans. Yet this specialty derives from a distant Tuscan tradition that reached Milan even before the classic round pizza from Campania. Furthermore, pizza by the slice is a great option when you are in the throes of acute hunger and don't want to pay too much attention to calories.

    Among so many offers, a mini guide to best pizzas by the slice of Milan can be useful. In general, the pizzerias that bake this type of pizza are simple, cheap and spartan: ideal for a substantial, but low-cost dinner.

    Spontini is the first pizzeria to become famous for this specialty, so much so that it has recently opened four other pizzerias with the same name in different areas of the city, even if the historic one remains in the homonymous Via Spontini. The most undecided can rest assured, the only pizza you can order is the daisy, of which you can choose a normal or large slice. The pizza dough is thick and soft and the anchovies added to the tomato from time to time give it an extra pinch of flavor. The dining room has a simple decor - perhaps a bit sterile - and the service is very quick.

    THEAntica Pizzeria Fiorentina it was a pleasant discovery a few years ago and since then I can't live without it. Here, too, the formula of choosing between normal or abundant slice is proposed and, in addition to the margherita, you can opt for different fillings with the most classic ingredients (from ham to sausage, from spicy salami to vegetables). The pizza is unsurpassed: soft and crunchy at the same time and covered with abundant mozzarella. The restaurant also offers other dishes with a homemade taste, including the farinata and the inevitable Florentine meat. The environment is simple and welcoming: the white and green checkered tables are set with cardboard placemats and the paintings hanging on the walls recall Tuscan atmospheres and places.

    Finally, the pizzeria From Giuliano it can be considered as a glimmer of Italian spirit in the Milanese china town. Located in Via Paolo Sarpi, this pizzeria has been considered one of the best for twenty years and remains among the Chinese and Japanese restaurants in the area. No doubt on the menu: the only dish offered is the pizza by the slice, to give it all the attention and importance that this delicious specialty deserves. The environment is very reminiscent of the ancient Florentine trattorias with wooden tables and white walls. The service is fast and the staff are attentive and courteous.

    The tradition of pizza by the slice is rooted in Milan and there are many restaurants that produce this specialty. A practical mini guide to the best pizzerias is certainly useful for lovers of the genre, to try to find their way around the wide Milanese offer.

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