Vino in Villa is the event that takes place every year in Conegliano Valdobbiadene that unites not only lovers of good wine with Prosecco DOCG wine tasting, but also lovers of culture with a festival full of events.
Se love wine and you like to participate in events related to wine and culture, the event of Wine in the Villa is what I recommend for the weekend of 14 - 17 May 2015.
Vino in Villa is the most important annual event dedicated to Conegliano Valdobbiadene and is generally held every third weekend of May and this year too. The event arises from the will of the Protection Consortium to make a wine known in its territory, so as to increase its natural goodness. In 2015 Vino in Villa reaches its XNUMXth edition and becomes a real one cultural festival, intent on discovering which and how many universes have been generated in the course of history by wine, a drink already dear to the ancients.
Il program of the event it is very large and the locations are all very interesting. The festival will take place between Susegana and the Castle of San Salvatore, Conegliano and Palazzo Sarcinelli, Valdobbiadene and the Villa dei Cedri e Pieve di Soligo and the Battistella Moccia Auditorium.
The Vino in Villa event will begin Thursday 14 May at 16 pm with the inauguration of the photographic exhibition Al di qua e al di là delimit at Galleria Novecento in Palazzo Sarcinelli. The whole day of Thursday will see the events take place in Conegliano. In addition to the exhibition at 18.30 pm in the Aula Magna of the Convent of San Francesco the Dialogue takes place, The meaning lies in the senses. At 21.30 pm as the last event of the day at Palazzo Sarcinelli, the show Wine in the Western tradition takes place.
Il Friday 15 May the Vino in Villa event moves to Pieve di Soligo. Here at 16 pm at the Battistella Moccia Auditorium the Dialogue, The limit of the politician, takes place. At 18.30 pm in the same location the Debate entitled Spirit and Alcohol in Mickey Mouse takes place. Finally at 21.30 pm, again at the Battistella Moccia Auditorium, the day ends with the Metamorphosis jazz concert
Saturday May 16, Vino in Villa moves once again, this time to Valdobbiadene. In the early afternoon, at 15.30 pm at the Villa dei Cedri, the Dialogue, Beyond good and evil, takes place with Vittorio Sgarbi. While all the events of the day the entrance is free, we specify that for this event, and for the evening one, a reservation is required. At 18.30 pm, again at the Villa dei Cedri, the Dialogue, Scriptures and metaphors of limit and limitless takes place. The last event of the day is at 21.30 pm, at San Gregorio Magno in Colderove. A Dialogue-concert entitled Mignon (and other creatures) beyond limits.
Sunday May 17 the last day of the Vino in Villa event takes place in Susegana with Wine Tasting. From 10 to 22 "Conegliano Valdobbiadene harvest 2014" is a free tasting in tasting counters: over 200 labels told by those who produce them to learn about the many nuances of the territory, from Conegliano to Valdobbiadene, passing through Cartizze. Admission costs 15 €, while the deposit for the glass is 5 € which is returned when the glass is returned. We also report a reduced admission for sector operators and for those who book online, who pay only € 10, deposit € 5 separately.
Other events will also take place on the same day, all of which are presented on the official website
Mine advice is not to miss the event, which in addition to the wine tasting that attracts a larger audience, has several noteworthy events, not only for the issues addressed, but also for the locations in which they take place.