What to see in Pitigliano in one day

On the trail of the Etruscan period, discovering little Jerusalem: ready to immerse yourself in the Tuscan Maremma?

Immersed in the Tuscan Maremma in the province of Grosseto, Pitigliano it is one of the most beautiful and famous tuff city. Inhabited since the Bronze Age, Pitigliano still bears traces of the Etruscan period, as well as of subsequent eras.

What to see in Pitigliano in one day

A day in Pitigliano it can be crowned by a walk in one of the many Etruscan necropolises that surround it.

Whether it is for the culture or for its exquisite cuisine, a visit to Pitigliano is worthwhile at any time of the year. The city also is can be visited in one day and it is wonderful especially at sunset.

Get lost in the streets of Pitigliano

Visiting Pitigliano is an adventure into Tuscan history and cuisine. Before diving into its picturesque alleys, take a stroll along the panoramic road external. From here enjoy the landscape of the surrounding woods and the wonderful view of the city itself that rises on the tuff.

The center of Pitigliano is entirely pedestrian. Following the road that flanks theMedici aqueduct built between 1636 and 1639 you will arrive at the Republic Square. Here, in front of the Sette Cannelle Fountain, stands the Civic Archaeological Museum inside Palazzo Orsini. Built in the XNUMXth century, this palace was purchased and renovated later by the Orsini family, becoming their residence. Inside the museum, among the Renaissance rooms, you can admire a large collection of Etruscan artifacts found in the sites and necropolises that arise around Pitigliano.

What to see in Pitigliano in one day

Continuing on via Roma you can reach the Cathedral dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul. The building dates back to the Middle Ages with a late Baroque facade. Next to it is the bell tower which still has features of the medieval original.

For a break you will be spoiled for choice: the places are many and all offer quality food, from the meat of pigs that live in the woods around Pitigliano, to the mushrooms harvested during the day, to the excellent Tuscan wine.

Pitigliano: the little Jerusalem

Pitigliano is also known as "little Jerusalem”Thanks to the presence of a synagogue and a small Jewish community that has settled in the city for centuries. There synagogue it was built at the end of 1500, when the community was more numerous. At the moment, however, the synagogue is used only for the most important celebrations, but it remains open to visitors and is part of the history of Pitigliano.

You can also visit the Jewish Museum with a permanent exhibition of traditional objects, a ritual bathtub, the oven and the slaughterhouse, as well as discovering a cellar where the kosher wine from Pitigliano.

Finally, discover the evictions, a typical dessert of Pitigliano that derives from the Jewish tradition.

What to see in Pitigliano in one day

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